July 23, 2023
Sprague's Ma and Pa HO layout

July 20, 2023
Oracle at Delphi Box Diorama
The details of how the oracle worked are clouded by the passage of more than 2,000 years. There are conflicting descriptions of where and how she operated. This is my interpretation of the oracle performing her ritual in the adyton (private room in the cellar) of the Temple of Apollo at Delphi. The oracles were female, and, according to some sources, they would make pronouncements while breathing fumes from a crack in the earth, allegedly the breath of Apollo. Male priests would stand by to record and or translate her utterances to hexameter verse.
On the walls are inscriptions in Greek that translate to, “know thyself,” and, “all things in moderation.”
The figures and vases in the diorama are objects that I purchased from my various sources and modified to fit the diorama. An ultrasonic micro-humidifier produces the fumes emanating from the earth. The burning braziers are 3D printed objects with flickering LEDs from Evans Designs.
July 18, 2023
Aquia Line in the NMRA Magazine
The Aquia Line is featured in an article in the August issue of the NMRA Magazine. This magazine is put out by the NMRA for its members. You can find it at this link.