Corporal Agarn's squad has drawn sentry duty at Potomac Creek Bridge. He placed his guards at each end of the bridge and in the valley below.
During his rounds he found Private McGuirk goofing off. Applying some on the spot discipline, he has McGuirk's attention.

All the fuss attracts Brigadier General Haupt and his distinguished visitor, G. Stevenson. Haupt makes sure that this is a day McGuirk won't forget.

Our chastised private was so focused on not falling off that he failed to notice the locomotive and train drifting slowing across the span. Startled, he nearly lost his balance. "I dint make it off Mayre's Heights just to die on this cussed pile o' sticks," he muttered as the train lumbered by.
These photos illustrate one of the advantages of modeling the ACW RRs in O Scale. The figures can be much more realistic than in the smaller scales.
General Haupt and Private McGuirk are Sash and Saber Figures. Corporal Agarn is a 40mm figure from a manufacturer that I can no longer remember. It is very well sculpted. I bought it many years ago. As I remember, it was the only figure they offered in 40mm. G. Stevenson was painted by Dave Emery.
Bonus, see if you can spot the thing that is out of place or could be considered an anomaly in these photos.
Hint: It's not the W&A Locomotive General running on the USMRR.
Hint 2: It's in the first two pictures.